The Power of Your Thoughts (c) 2005

Thoughts are the most significant constituent in any successful setting. Your thoughts are what will determine the difference between failing and succeeding in anything that you do. This is the main philosophy that we stand for at "The Successful Advice Portal" ( When we are growing up and molding ourselves into our adulthood state we are conditioned to believe that anything that is too good to be true probably is and we can all agree that occasionally that is certainly the case, however, will you sit back and allow a negative or "I know it all" mindset to obscure and limit the reality that there are an indefinite number of legitimate "hard to believe" opportunities out there for you to seize? How many times have you looked back at your past and wished that your choices would have been different? I bet if you are anything like me you have probably thought that so many times and have probably dwelled on it until it made you sick to your stomach. The only advice that can be offered to you in this scenario is stop focusing on the negatives of your past because it will not have a positive impact on your future but instead it will slow you down from achieving your objective. To succeed you have to have the courage to pursue your goals, regardless of what your friends and family are saying. If you need business, success or positive advice then I strongly urge you to seek guidance in the proper place. Please keep in mind that If your pessimistic neighbor knew anything about being successful or at least to be more successful than you at the present time then he or she would not be your neighbor. Don't ask your unemployed cousin, sister or partner for their opinion because I could easily anticipate what ninety percent of them will say. In most cases family and friends have absolutely the best intentions towards you and your success but they fear that you will fail because they are programmed to think that way so they will only offer opinions that will set you back. In my strongest opinion the only way to achieve a successful mindset is through the power of spoken word. Do you realize that everything that you speak is programmed into your mind? Begin to speak positive things and you will begin to process positive thoughts which will in turn produce positive actions. If you think about a new born child you will probably agree that this baby is at a neutral state in his or her life and whatever you put in the child's mind is what he or she will become, and the mind works in a similar fashion throughout the rest of our lives. You must remember that your brain is a "Biological Mainframe" and it will process everything that you input into its database and it will most certainly output it in the same manner therefore if you want to become successful and reach the highest peak that will drive you to your objective then the journey begins when you initiate your inner "Spoken Word" power. I have always heard that the difference between a successful millionaire and a failing individual is their thought process. The successful person programmed their "Biological Mainframe" to remove all the negative thoughts from their mental database. The only way to do this is to dilute the negative by overflowing the mind with positive thoughts and one of the ways to accomplish this by reading positive books like "Become Who you Were Born to Be" by Brian Souza and "Give your Life a Success Make Over" by Wes Beavis. Have you ever heard the saying that states "Tell me who you're hanging with, and I will tell you who you are" I have to say that I completely agree with that statement and when you read these books you will be "hanging" with the talented writers. These authors have granted you exclusive access to their mental vortex which is filled of exciting, unbelievable, motivational and most importantly useful tools that you can apply to your lives to turn them into what you want. When you read these types of books you literally become best friends with the writer, you are now stepping into their shoes and have all of the guidance necessary to find your vehicle of success or perhaps they offer the "Premium Fuel" to the "Luxury Dream Vehicle" that you already own and by then you should have enough positive thoughts to dilute all of the pessimistic beliefs that once took your life hostage. Life is too precious to let it go by with mediocre accomplishments and if you sit at home or at work making excuses for yourself or justifying why you have not reached a higher peak in your life then you have a lot of work to do because you have already consumed yourself with pessimism. You have regressed to an embarrassing point where you will become stagnant because you have become complacent with your current status. I know that I am not the only person that has heard the saying "The Sky is the Limit" but why do I feel like there are only a few of us that live by that unwritten rule. If you ever wake up to go to work and the thought of calling out sick crosses your mind then I urge you to work your behind off setting your future goals and working on your freedom this very minute. Do what you love to do not what you feel you should do or what you feel comfortable doing. Focus on your future goals today and live your life in a few years from now, there is plenty of time for that when you are rich and successful. Thoughts are what determine our lifestyle status and if you want to succeed you must always remember that.