The Treasure in 17 Seconds

What if you could accomplish in 17 seconds what would otherwise take hours and hours of your time? Is that a secret you'd like to get in on? Who wouldn't, right? Does it sound too good to be true? Well hang on to your hat, because this is for real and will change the way you do everything! The Basics (Law of Attraction) If you're visiting this site, you've probably heard of the Law of Attraction. For those who haven't, let me sum it up. Everything is made of energy (including you and me and our thoughts); energy vibrates; and like attracts like. So as you think a thought, you're creating a thing that attracts other things like it. Kind of like "you reap what you sow." The Hard Way When we want something, how do we usually go about getting it? We set a goal, we make a plan, we work the plan, we tweak it here and there, and we take action! We exert significant effort in taking steps we believe are necessary to get what we want. While we're in this busy activity, our thoughts are not something we give a lot of attention to. We think about things that might go wrong, obstacles in our way, how long this is taking, etc. etc. Those thoughts don't serve us like they could be. The Easy Way If instead you purposefully use a mere 17 seconds to think in a purely positive way about what you want, you will catapult yourself to success. Instead of creating an action plan that would overwhelm Superman, devote half a minute to imagining how it will feel when you reach your goal. Revel in the experience of already having it (whatever it is). Feel the joy of achieving your desire. Get into juicy delicious details of receiving what you've been asking for - for 17 seconds. What you've just done is put your vibrational order in with the Universe. By thinking the thoughts of success, you become aligned with that and because like attracts like, you've taken the most important step to accomplishing your goal! All the busy work you can conjure up doesn't matter if your thoughts aren't aligned. So get happy about having this want of yours satisfied, for at least 17 seconds, and share your secret with others when they ask "how'd you do that?" Well, Not So Easy PS - you might be thinking this is too good to be true, because it's seems too easy, right? Well, just you try 17 seconds of pure positive thought. I was lucky to get eight when I started. You'll probably have to practice your way to 17 straight seconds. For example, if you're ten seconds into it and out leaps the thought that there's no way THAT could happen, then start over again. No negativity allowed! Still, you have to admit, this is a great tradeoff for hours upon hours of busy work!