
It is my experience that we have many choices in life. We are not victims of circumstance. However, we are victims of our own misery. We choose whether or not we are happy. Most of my life was consumed with resentment, fear, worry and anxiety. It controlled every aspect of my life. In coaching people in their personal lives, I have found that I am not alone. In fact most people are consumed with some negative feeling. I couldn't seem to sort out why I could never be happy in my life. It was always about what everyone else did to me. I refused to see that I was not always the victim. At some point, I had to break down and begin to take responsibility for my actions. It was when I began to look realistically at my part, that I finally saw that I had choices. I could choose to be happy or I could choose not to. I could choose to stay bitter and angry or I could choose to let go. I could choose to stay consumed or I could choose not to. I encourage you to begin choosing happiness in you life. You have the power to be truly happy in your life.