An Easy Way To Attain Your Desires

There is a hard way to get what you want and there is an easy way. Which one would you like to choose? The answer is obvious, everybody what an easy way, but most of people are not even aware of the existence of the easy way. Most of us have been told, since the moment we were born, that in order to succeed in life , we have to work hard and struggle. It has been said "no pain, no gain". For most of people, life is just a long series of struggling. If that is what you are feeling, I have good news for you, there is a easy way, which lead to your ultimate destiny in the most stress free manner. Listen carefully, because this is going to determine whether your life is fulfilling , happy and stress free, which means a high quality of living. Here is the ultimate secrets of the universe "Change the way you look at things, the things you look at will change." Pay special attention to these words. really think about what they mean. Yes, I heard what you are saying. You have heard of it a million times. Every body knows it. If this is what you are thinking, I must warn you not to take these words lightly. I can tell you 90% of people read these words, and don't understand what they truly mean. You can tell by simply watch their lives. If you are not living a happy fulfilled life RIGHT NOW, I can tell you "You are not truly understanding these words " Then let's get down to the deep understanding of this golden rule of success. As I have discussed in my earlier articles, we are living in a material world , which is made up of molecules, which are made up of atoms, which in turn made up of subatomic particles. We also discussed that these subatomic particles act at our commands, it come into existence only when we observe it. Let's see how scientists say about these amazing building blocks of this world. The subatomic particle is a kind of wave packet, which can be in the state of wave and particle simultaneously. We describe a particle by its location, and we describe a wave by its momentum. However, the subatomic particle can exist as a particle and a wave at the same time. This sounds very counterintuitive, but it is true. Either the subatomic particle become a particle or a wave, it depends on how you measure it. If you decide to measure it by its location, it become a particle instantly, if you decide to measure by its momentum, it becomes a wave instantly. It all depends on how we measure (or how we observe) it. Deepak Chopra in his new book, "Spontaneous fulfillment of desires", described a thought experiment by Erwin Schr