Waiting for Spirit Verses Need to Act

Q: How does one know the difference between needing to be patient for spirit to manifest something and needing to change something in what one is doing? A: Thank you for this question, it raises a couple of very interesting points. Spirit cannot act on its own and it will not do our work for us. Therefore it is important to know what you want for yourself. The first stage of creation is to dream or visualise with the subtle thinking processes of the mind. Then start to move towards that which you desire; and, if you are in tune with the universal life force, your desire will soon gain fulfilment. The other word you use is "need". The body needs certain things to survive and live a comfortable life, but I think what you are referring to here is "desire". You desire to manifest something in your life. Whether it is a new partner, or a job you enjoy, or a change in your home, or holiday, or whatever it is you desire. The point is, it is not a basic need: it is something you would like to have because the thought about it brings you pleasure. What is important is your state of mind. If you feel a separation from your need or desire, that is what you will experience. The world shows up the way we think about it. The key is to think in a way that you already have that which you desire within you, so that there is no separation. This really is a question about who or what you think you are. If you feel that you are your physical body and everything outside of yourself is separate and different from you, then you will feel this lack and separation. But, if you look at yourself in a higher way and feel that you are a part of the Universal Life Force and that all that you see around you is just a different aspect of yourself, without any separation, just a continuous stream of energy flowing freely; you may start to see the subtle difference I am making. The thing about life is, if you wait for Spirit to manifest something for you, the whole universe waits with you. If you take the first step towards that which you desire, the whole universe moves to fulfil your desire. It is just a question of your intention, and who and what you think you are. The other part of your question seems to be about abundance in your life. Quite often abundance and joy go together. Therefore I would say that if you are not enjoying what you are doing then abundance might not show up for you. But if you choose what really makes your heart sing, what you have a strong desire to do; then, if you follow your passion and bring into the physical world what you desire, this may also, after a while, bring abundance into your life, too. The secret is to do what you enjoy and have a passion for, and move towards it, and watch the whole universe move to fulfil that joyous thought.