Two Simple Ideas To Get More Time From Your Day

Most people agree that time is much more important than money. Most effective people think so. Effective people know how to get more out of the twenty-four hours we are all given each day. Effective people have learned the art of using time more effectively to do productive things that help their progress or success. Here is how many of them do it. More time idea #1 - This one is simple but not easy for some, it's delegation. They delegate and assign simple routine tasks to others so that they can have more time to do the things that they find more important or that have higher priorities in their lives. This is not a revolutionary idea but can have a major influence. If you can afford to, hire people to do the cleaning, shopping, the fixing, and even some of your office jobs. Hiring people to do research or repetitive tasks. If your business earns you fifty dollars an hour doesn't it make sense for you to spend an hour going to the dry cleaners twice a week? But of course, you have to pay them well enough so that they will be happy to perform these services again. Then you can concentrate on the more important things in life, like deciding what your priorities are and managing your activities. More time idea #2 - Effective people tend to plan very carefully. The more that you have to accomplish, the more important it is for you to plan carefully and seriously. By taking planning serious, you'll be able to manage your time better and avoid costly errors that eat up even more of your time. If you think that you're so busy you don't even have time to plan, You 're in for a treat when you make a habit of regular planning. You will certainly find more time to do more things that you didn't think that you had time for. You should get into the habit of setting aside at least SOME time each day for planning. Even ten or fifteen minutes a day is very powerful if you make it a habit. Try it for thirty days you will come to love it. This planning time is very important in getting your goals and life the way that you want. Thinking about this now may make you think that it will be boring. It's not. Once you get into the habit of planning daily, you will begin to look forward to it. Designing the only life you have can be a lot of fun! Never underestimate this process. It is some of the most valuable use of your time. Your plan will be your treasure map. During your planning time be sure to test different approaches and activities, and you will find that you can not only save a lot more time by doing this, but come up with better solutions to many of your problems. Obviously you will want to choose a quiet place to do your planning. You will be much more effective and creative if you can be relaxed without disturbances or distractions. Everyone will have their own idea of just what goes into a good plan. It all depends on the idividual and the objectives. here are some ideas that should help a lot. 1. Decide on exactly what your goal is and write it down. This way you' ll be able to stay on target easier. 2. Imagine and mentally evaluate the strategies & tactics you will use to accomplish your goal. 3. List the pros and cons of those strategies & pick those ideas where the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. 4. Come up with a deadline for finishing your task and make every attempt to stick to it. 5. Don't forget to brainstorm a plan B and a plan C just in case plan A runs into problems. And Most importanly get started.