If I can Succeed on the Internet, Anyone Can!

My name is Marlene Challis. I'm a wife and mother and up until a few years ago, I knew absolutely nothing about computers or business. When we first got a computer, I was afraid to touch the keyboard incase I pressed the wrong key and it blew up! With the guidance of my husband teaching me the basics of getting it turned on and playing some games, I finally found my way around. Then we got connected to the internet. That was scary trying to work out how the "net" worked. I learnt by pressing buttons and figuring things out as I went along. My two daughters gave me some pointers but apart from that, I taught myself everything I know. I have a high school certificate but no college degree and I have no formal computer or business training. When I mastered getting around the "net", a whole new world opened up. It was exciting being able to find out information about anything you wanted. I started to use the "net" to search for travel specials for our holidays and I booked them online. In 2002, I wanted to do something to contribute to the household income. I didn't know what but I loved the internet and knew that had to be involved somehow. In November 2002 I registered my first business and I was off and running. Since then, with help from my husband investing some money to get me started and my accountant, I have taught myself everything I know. I have expanded and have one main business with several branches underneath. I trade shares online and have several websites with more to come. It is very exciting sitting down at my lap top computer and checking on my businesses. I love it. Did you notice I said my lap top computer? Yes I have a lap top. A few years ago if someone told me I would be doing this today, I would have laughed and said they have rocks in their head but here I am. Everyone can get motivated at some stage. It's when things get tough that you need the desire and commitment to keep going. The desire and commitment has to come from within you. Once you have that, you have to have the knowledge. That's where www.self-help-motivation-source.com comes in. I give you the knowledge to keep your desire and commitment strong. Knowledge is only effective if you know how to use it. I show you how to use that knowledge. If I can do this, anyone can. I mean anyone! What are you waiting for? Go out and conquer the world.