Eliminating Trans-fatty Chaos

Eliminating Trans-fatty Chaos Not all chaos is bad, true if you ask the universe, itself in states of chaos. The stars beyond exist in a swirling soup of tumbling energy, opening outward in rhythmic bliss. But some chaos, like some fats, are not good for you. Do you know what kind must be eliminated to create a life of bounty and abundance? The chaos to eliminate is the kind that which impedes your progress. It is that which doubles back on you and gets in the way that ought to go. That which allows you to move forward in creative bliss can stay, but that which runs in front of you and slows you down, or frustrates and irritates you, must go. Where are you in your own way? Efficiency Chaos A common type of chaos with which most are familiar, stretching from excessive red tape in governance to not having necessary items where they are needed. When all is not within easy reach for you wherever you commonly do a task, you will add time to your activities and generally be less efficient. In any workspace, have the items you need present, and within easy reach. Whether in your home office, in the laundry, or in the shop, take time to ensure you have what you need and become acquainted with a system that works well for you. Watch others to learn if there is something you can improve. Clutter Chaos Have you got extra stuff? Do you keep extras that you never use? Stuff crammed into open spaces and bookshelves? Perhaps you've got too much clothing, or too many papers and perhaps a backlog of mail to sort through. Perhaps you've things left undone in your life. Disorganized photos, unfinished crafts, closets full of items you don't really need. Have you got too much spam, too much junk mail, or are you just too busy? When you are cluttered, you prevent the bounty from arriving. Eliminate all that you don't need and choose to organize the rest. Put like items together in order to create pathways of flow. Clear space for abundant bounty to enter your life in whatever form is needed. Dramatic Chaos Are problems constantly popping up for you? Does there always seem to be yet another drama around the corner? If so, it is possible that you are inviting the dramas into your life in some way. Often times it is by allowing those with drama into your circle; people with a never-ending stream of relationship, health, financial or other worries, or those who discuss other people's issues. Other times, it arrives when we create chaos in another separate area of life. When it rains, it pours, so to speak. In each moment, the choice is ours to shape any situation we are in. Choose to engage in beneficial and positive interactions. Leave the drama out of your life. Dramatic chaos inevitably leads to the next, that of overwhelming feeling and emotion. Emotional Chaos This is born of the need to release strong emotion. When we spill anger and annoyance, or hatred into a situation, we invariably mark the occurrence and shape the moments thereafter. After a smattering of negative energy, the situation is rarely what we or anyone else would choose. Energy flows through us in waves and after a wash of angry ego, we all have been colored and changed. Good or bad for those in attendance? Who can say...though one thing is certain, feelings create strong memories and all in attendance will remember how they felt. Wellness Chaos This is perhaps surprisingly linked to all of the other chaos. When we allow ourselves to become run down, or choose not to eat well due to time constraints or circumstance, we will find it much more difficult to elevate ourselves in other areas of life. In maintaining ourselves in peak condition, we are more easily attuned to drawing those things toward us that we desire. Eat your fresh veggies, get physically active and be sure to stretch out your nooks and crannies to get yourself in optimum form to create the life you long for. Solutions Recognition is half of the solution. Once you become aware of chaos, take simple and direct choices toward streamlining the energy and sweeping away of any of the energy blocks. Ensure that you are spending your precious time on creating joy for yourself. * Streamline systems so that they work for you. Ensure you have what you need where you need it. Generate efficiency with a key rack, a file system or more focus. * Simplify life by getting rid of excess. Whether emotional or physical or in cyberspace. Excess stuff gets in your way. Keep what is important and necessary and let go of the rest. Pass what you don't need along to someone who does. * Eliminate other people's problems from your life. Sometimes this involves eliminating those with the problems and other times it is enough to refrain from discussing the issues. Stay with uplifting and positive discussion as much as possible. * Let go of strong, especially hateful, emotions, though since every action has an equal and opposite reaction, even extreme positives will have a backlash. Let go of the need to react and instead trust that everything is leading to a greater good. * Focus on wellness with fresh wholesome food choices, adequate clean air and water, physical activity to get your heart pumping, and daily stretching to allow energy to flow freely. Eliminating chaos opens space for new unencumbered energy to enter. Relax and rid yourself of what isn't working in order to make room for positive outcomes in your life. Open your personal door to abundance and joy.