Emotional Abusers

We all have people surrounding us that make us feel special; others inspire us to be better or achieve our goals. While some become a nightmare and put you down all the time. Those people that have the need to make you feel bad and humiliated are struggling with their own self image. The only way they can boost their ego is by putting down another person whether the putdowns are extreme or subtle. Understand that they are the ones with a problem. I say this because their put downs can actually get you thinking that something is wrong with you. But, anyone that is supposed to care for you in a healthy manner would not hurt you intentionally. Neither, would a confident person waste their energy and time trying to make someone feel bad. The best thing you can do for yourself is to stop the abuser dead on his tracks and limit your interaction with him or her. If you are living with this person then it might be good to move away from him or her. The truth is that emotional abuse can destroy a person. It will tear your confidence little by little until; you have no self esteem left. Do not let anyone in your life do this to you. Know that you are special in your own way and that you deserve to be around people that really love and respect you.