I believe you have an Attitude!

I am writing this today to remind you successful people that the human race is the only species that comes into this world in a natural state of discontent with that world. Look around - the other creatures you see about you are guided by instinct alone. We however have been given a God-like power to shape our life and thus our destiny. Moreover, this is just what we do each day of our lives, as we put into play actions & ideas that will determine the state and significance of our tomorrows. For some, these ideas lead to extraordinary achievement. But for most, it leads to a middle ground where they mull around taking their life's cues from those around them - not questioning why or how - nor considering the consequences of their actions be they good or bad. For still others, their actions & ides lead to recurring disappointment and problems. This leaves these folks to spend their days at the bottom of the socioeconomic PYRAMID. You see the ignorant would have you believe achievement or failure is a matter of luck, or circumstances, or fate, or the breaks, or any of the old tiresome wife's tales. Let that be the excuse for the ignorant I say. Success is simple matter of following a commonsense standard of rules or guidelines that anyone can follow. I think we would all agree that we all want good results from our lives. Be it in our home life, our career or in our friendships - and the most important single factor to that success - the one factor that will guarantee good results day and day out is our attitude! And, I believe you have an attitude. Attitude is defined as "a position or bearing as indicating action, feeling or mood." I can think of no truer definition of attitude for it is your actions, feelings, and moods, which determine the actions, feelings, and moods of those around you The world is a stage is what many say. Perhaps that is true - but I feel more strongly that the world is a mirror - often a cruel mirror that reflects back to us the actions, feels, and moods that we carry around. Our attitude tells the world what we expect of it. If our attitude is cheerful and hopeful, then, it conveys to all that we expect the best in our dealings with our world. If it is a skeptical, pessimistic one then we will convey that as well. Moreover, we will receive that in return because of two reasons: 1) Each of us tend to live up to the attitude you carry around 2) Others give us, as far as their attitudes are concerned, what we expect. The good news is we can control our attitude. We can put in place the attitude of our choice each morning. Actually, we do so whether we are aware of it or not. Unfortunately, most do not look at their attitudes in this way. Thus, they start their day off in neutral, poised and ready to react to the first stimuli that they encounter. If the first stimulus is positive then their attitude follows suit. If it is negative then they mimic that instead. They are attitudinal chameleons. We as successful people have to prevent ourselves from becoming an attitudinal chameleon. Here are three ways you can attain, and maintain, a healthy attitude (and avoid becoming an attitudinal chameleon): 1. Physiology 2. Focus 3. The Platinum Rule 1. PHYSIOLOGY - Try a little exercise with me. Stand up and breathe deeply inhaling and exhaling fully. Then look up at the ceiling and smile, smile like an idiot or a child on Christmas morning. Now while still breathing deeply, looking up and smiling - get mad - go on get angry! You cannot do it. If you maintain the body posture I described you will be unable to get angry. How you carry your body affects your attitude - have a seat. Now am I saying walk around with your head held high, breathing deeply and grinning like an idiot? Sure why not it is far more attractive then a frown backed by slumped shoulders! But, seriously, walking around with your head low, your face long with a frown, and your breathing shallow will negatively affect your attitude. That is how physiology influences your attitude; use it to your advantage. 2. FOCUS - During the course of your day your attitude can and will be impacted by the questions you ask yourself. If you ask the questions like "Why do I get the projects nobody wants?" Then your attitude will go downhill - quickly. If however you ask empowering questions, "How can I complete this project and enjoy the process?" Then your focus is changed and your attitude will be healthier for it. To avoid becoming an attitudinal chameleon what you need to do is develop some morning questions for yourself. A set of questions that will focus your mind on things YOU want to focus on. Some examples could be: "What can I do today to build/strengthen my career?" "What am I proud of in my life?" "What am I confidant I can do?" "What can I do for my spouse/child/significant other to let them know I care?" Develop your own set of morning questions and answer them each morning. This will do wonders for your attitude as well as raise your awareness to things around you that will lend themselves to aid you in completing your goals. #3 THE PLATNIUM RULE We all know the golden rule and are well served to apply it. However, a person that wants to maintain his healthy attitude at its peak and become a moniker of success will apply the platinum rule. The platinum rule states "Do unto others as THEY want done unto them." You see how you want to be treated is not specifically how everyone wants to be treated is it? If you go out with the servant's attitude that your going to treat others in the manner THEY wish to be treated, then this will be reflected back to you - tenfold! Remember - successful people come in all shapes and sizes, creeds, colors and backgrounds. However even in this diverse pool, they all have one thing in common - they expect more good out of life than bad. This positive expectation is reflected in their healthy attitude. So, in all the things you want, in all the goals you have set yourself upon, let your attitude reflect the fact that there are far more reasons why can have them, then not. Know there are far more reasons why you can reach your goals, then there are reasons to cause you to fail in the attempt. Use your physiology, maintain your focus, and apply the platinum rule to attain and maintain your healthy attitude (and avoid becoming an attitudinal chameleon). I believe you have an attitude!! However, is it the one you want? Think Successfully & Take Action. Tracy http://www.SuccessAtlas.com (C) Tracy Brinkmann 2000-2005 all rights reserved