Remote Viewing Optimum Trajectories (for the ride of a life time!)

Technical Remote Viewing offers human beings the opportunity to find their life destiny. It does this by offering up the impression in a foresight image to show a person what their highest potential is for their individual life. It's a map that they can follow to be the best that they can be; their path for living the most meaningful life possible. It is a life that will lead them into situations that support optimal growth and evolution; an actualized life that by the end of their journey, they can look back with a feeling of fulfillment. This is the kind of life worth living. This article addresses some of the questions that I have been asked repeatedly about Optimum Trajectories. What is an Optimum Trajectory? An "Optimum Trajectory" is "a direction" in the Matrix. It is not like a burro wandering at random heading down the path of least resistance. It is a definite direction that is optimum in every way for that particular individual. It is a life direction, that some would call a destiny. It is written like a chapter in your individual book and it feels like "a potential" that permeates your blueprint. As it sits in the collective unconscious library (or Matrix), it can remain untapped, like a chapter continually bypassed unless it is actively pursued by behavior and action. It is a distinctive path and whether we land on it by choice or by chance, it is our tailor-made trail into the future. This path is what we Technical Remote Viewers call the "Optimum Trajectory" There are traits of the optimum trajectory journey that make it seem desirable and appear magical. It is a life filled with harmony and synchronicity. It is a distinct journey that you have purchased a ticket for, and like riding a train heading for a specific destination, the further you go, the more support and momentum you gain as you wind up and down, going over and through the mountains and seas of your destiny. The Optimum path is a dynamic trip. It has a tendency to not be boring. It can transport you into unknown territories that, at first, appear to be quite bizarre. It's a fairy-tale/story-book that permeates every page of your life with vibrant conscious living. It is not a projected idyllic dream, it's a conscious effort. It's a willful choice and it's your ultimate aspiration. Whether you are aware of it or not, it sits in your unconscious like a burning potential ready to spring into action at the slightest regard or release. So do you think you are up for your optimum journey? Or how long can you keep bypassing that chapter in your life? Embarking onto your optimum path is the epitome of taking responsibly for your life. It is the delicate balancing of free will and destiny, emotions and intellect, pride and humility, safety and risk, logic and intuition. It is the closest real-time living to self-actualized freedom that exists. The benefit of the optimum path is that the path itself supports the highest aspirations of human evolution. The fine tune balancing of all the aforementioned attributes is not a luxury on the optimum train, they are necessities for conduct. The attributes and challenges that would typically be rare concerted efforts in a normal life are expected as par-for-the course on the optimum trajectory journey. Once you have boarded that train, it is a continuous standard to uphold; to be the best that you can be. Where Are You Now? I am often asked this question by folks who don't know if they are already on their optimum paths or not: "How do I know if I am on my Optimum Trajectory now?" My answer is this: "If you are on your optimum path, after a period of long hard stressful situations, you will still feel exhausted, but you will also have a feeling of overall general satisfaction - as though you know the stress will pass and that you are headed in the right direction. It's just a matter of surviving the bumps. However, if you are not on your optimum path, after a period of long hard stressful situations, you feel as though you have been wasting your time, that you're headed in the wrong direction - you need to get out and change your situation permanently - in a radical way. This is not accompanied by a feeling of long term satisfaction - it feels as though you're heading nowhere - fast. After more then a decade of pursuing my optimum trajectory, I would have to say that this description is still a very accurate barometer. Many people are attracted to the skill of Technical Remote Viewing for the sole purpose of finding their Optimum Trajectory. After some people discover what their optimum path entails, they find themselves confronted with difficult questions and serious choices. "If this path is optimum for me then wouldn't it also be optimum for my loved ones and family?" My answer is undeniably "yes," but keep in mind that the person replying to this question (me) has a longer journey to reflect upon. So, don't expect a magic genie to pop out to make everyone wish you a pleasant trip. Making the choice to buy that ticket on your optimum train may upset the people around you. There may be some drama that ensues. TRV only provides you with the road map for your destiny - it doesn't prescribe you medication to make the going easier. My answer is "yes it's worth it" because my experience has shown me that when one chooses a fulfilling life path, loved ones and family eventually benefit as well, just maybe not at the onset. "Is the optimum trajectory easier?" I'd say "yes," but only because the challenges and sacrifices are more rewarding. "Is the Optimum Trajectory less bumpy?" I'd say "I don't know but the bumps are certainly worth traversing". Life on the optimum train is not necessarily a smooth glide of a ride. People tend to forget that it is they who determine the quality of their trip. If a passenger doesn't clean his compartment then his ride will be littered with debris. If a passenger doesn't communicate clearly then his trip will be uncomfortable and strained. Optimum trajectory or not, Remote Viewer or not, the way we conduct ourselves every moment of everyday to every other person we encounter... matters. That part probably wasn't listed on the trip itinerary because it's a basic principle of living that we humans habitually take for granted. Staying the Course A conscious life will inevitably see. If we are blinded by our own oversights then it is generally our own underscore of neglect that brings us to our knees. Optimum trip or not, we humans are still riddled with our own character flaws. If our life ride starts to feel bumpy, it's very likely our own lack of sight that has led us in that direction. Then, it's what we do, when we make our mistake that determines the quality of our future potential. How optimum our optimum trip feels depends upon how honest we are willing to be with ourselves and with those around us. The Optimum journey is probably not for the faint-of-heart unless the faint-hearted desires a change. It wouldn't be for the fear based unless the fearful is willing to change bases. For some it's a chance to not feel numb and for others it's the thrill not yet sought. Some see it as a last resort and some see it as the only resort. Regardless of what you consider it to be, guaranteed, it will be the most rewarding challenge of your life. Why some folks immediately jump on the optimum train and others don't is a riddle of fate. Why some jump the train and only complain is the plight of human behavior. Wherever you go - there - you will find yourself. On the Optimum Trajectory trip there's definitely more to see. Remote Viewers have the advantage of a skill to willfully see more but in what direction they steer their gaze is still in their own hands. Life parodies itself everywhere it permeates so living a conscious life means caring about the life around you as you would want to be cared for. Does this sound familiar? It should, these are age old principles rolled up in a new package that fate keeps serving up to mankind. It's still your choice to enjoy the smorgasbord or not. It's the food that makes living worthwhile and the meal that you'll never regret. It's the trip of your lifetime and the chance that only some are fortunate enough to see as a choice. for More information on remote viewing your Optimum Trajectory see: