Use Time Management Tips Wisely

Are you finding there is not enough time in the day to complete all you need to do? Do you have a To Do list that has enough items on it to last a life time? In today's society, we are overwhelmed with daily demands. We think having a few more hours in our day would solve our problems. Being more efficient and managing our time better, we believe would allow us time to ourselves. Personally, I see the opposite happening. The female species are excellent multi-taskers and always looking for ways to do more things in less time. What do we do with that extra time? You guessed it, more things. So, instead of being tired at the end of the day, we are exhausted. Time management tips are useful and necessary for some people. For others, it can be counterproductive. More stress can be present attempting to get extra done in the same amount of time. Have you ever asked yourself the question why you don't have enough time in your day to finish all that needs to be done? Maybe, because your doing too much! Reflect on that question. Procrastinating and not completing all your tasks is one thing. Going full steam ahead all day and still having unfinished work may mean you need to let something go. Experiment this week with doing one thing at a time and be present while doing it. Have you ever completed a task or driven somewhere and not remembered. That is a sign of not being fully present. Our thoughts are not on the task at hand, instead, they are on what else needs to get done. If multi-tasking is a must for you, add a task that will benefit your wellness. For example, listen to a relaxation tape while you cook supper, run on treadmill while you watch T.V., use commercials to do some deep breathing after putting sound on mute, and listen to motivational CD's as you drive. Use time management tips wisely. Focus on making more time for you. Use that time for your own self-care. Do less of what you SHOULD be doing and more of what you WANT to be doing. That's the best time management tip I can give you!!!