Affirmations the magic of the mind

An affirmation is a small positive statement, which you repeat to yourself, to reinforce or change thinking patterns on a subconscious level. It can be a statement, a chant, a written list or a song. Our minds generate a constant stream of subconscious chatter, and although we are often unaware of the substance of that chatter, it is frequently a stream of negative thoughts. Affirmations are a conscious decision to implant quality thoughts and to repeat those thoughts to such a degree that they become a belief. Becoming aware of your negative or sabotaging thoughts is the first step. You then need to stop that thought as soon as you recognize it. Most importantly you need to instantly replace that thought with a positive affirmation. Affirmations are always stated in the positive. Replace, "I am broke and in debt" with "All my needs are met and all my desires are fulfilled." Affirmations should be stated in the present tense. Replace I am going to... Is coming... and, Will be... with I now have... I am... This is. Imagine a negative thought as a ball coming straight at you. An affirmation is the bat you use to smack that ball right out of the park. It is best to work with one set of affirmations at a time. Decide your most important issue and focus on that until you have the outcome you desire. It's too easy to become distracted and scattered if you take on too much too soon. Perhaps set yourself a goal for a week, get creative and write down a few ideas that feel right for you about that issue. You will also find that one will inspire another and throughout the week you can continue to add to your affirmations. Here are a few examples of success affirmations. I am worthy; I am successful, prosperous and happy. I am filled with quality ideas and the ability to bring them into action. I love my work and my work rewards me financially. The more successful I am the more the world will benefit. These are very basic affirmations, but can be very effective and powerful. An interesting thing about affirmations is that they will throw up some very profound insights and behavioural changes. You may also find that when you are doing your success affirmations you start to walk taller, dress with more care, act in a more self-confident manner and become more enthusiastic and creative. You will find yourself thinking about new money making ideas and somehow start pursuing new or better ways of doing things. You start "thinking outside the box" or you may take up new creative interests. New people and opportunities will start showing up in your life. You start to find things or become 'lucky' Repetition Affirmations are like saving coins in a moneybox. They don't seem like much at the time but they add up quickly. Just one dollar a day added to a moneybox may seem insignificant, however, if you save one dollar every day from the time you start working until you retire, you will accumulate enough money to retire very wealthy. With constant repetition small things become very powerful forces. One drop of water on a rock will not affect the rock but water dripping constantly on a rock will ultimately wear the rock away. I am not suggesting that affirmations take ages to work. Usually they work instantly, usually they work powerfully and often they work magically. When affirmations are repeated over time, they will prove to be immensely powerful and permanent. An affirmation will eliminate an old belief and create a new belief. Lifelong habits can be broken down and replaced with new habits. All behavioural habits begin as habits of thought. When a thought is repeated it will become a belief. What you conceive and believe You will achieve. Remember your thoughts create emotions - emotions create actions- and your actions re-create your thoughts. Opposing Influences You really do need to be the 'Thought Police' to understand what opposing influences are undermining your success. Your opposing influences are the thoughts and beliefs you maintain from your established habits. There are three essential requirements to achieve what you want in life: 1. You need to be clear about what you want. 2. You need to consistently state and imagine what you want; and 3. You need to stop thoughts, words and images about what you don't want. Now go back and read that again and keep reading it until you get it. I know it sounds too simple and I'm sure you said, "Yeah, I know that." But do you? There is knowing something, but then, there is 'Knowing Something'. If you are programming yourself for prosperity, love, happiness or success, then you must at this point, believe you are lacking in prosperity, love, happiness or success. Let's face it, we only desire what we want in our lives, not what we already have. No one ever obsesses about what they do have. We all obsess over what we are lacking. If you lack money now, then you have a scarcity or poverty belief already in place. The very fact that you are broke is proof that your belief system is presently running on a scarcity consciousness. Going back to the three essentials, you may decide that you are already clear about what you want. You may also be working on the second law and using affirmations. Now, consider the third law and jot down a few notes. What can you discover about your habitual thinking that may be working on an opposing level? Do you think wealth has something to do with greed or selfishness? Do you feel guilty when you have more than someone else? Do you think wealth is not spiritual? Do you think rich people are not happy people? Will people only want you for your money? There are many common misconceptions about wealth that can sabotage your ability to achieve your goals. Consider the following examples. I'd rather be healthy than wealthy. (Do you think that one rules out the other?) I fear I will be robbed or I may attract bad luck in other areas. Wealthy people are dishonest or have done unethical things to create their fortune. Rich people are lonely and can't trust people. Focusing on or believing in these misconceptions will sabotage your ability to achieve prosperity. Stop thinking about your debts. You need to think about what you want - not what you need. Instead of thinking, "They don't deserve that" start thinking, "If they can achieve that, then I can too." Feelings of jealousy or resentment towards others will negatively impact your ability to achieve your goals. Stop thinking that someone else will have less, if you have more. Start thinking, "The more I have, the more I can help others." The above examples are intended to help you to discover what your inner most thoughts may be. You may find it beneficial to carry a notebook for a week or so and write down your negative thoughts. This will help you to recognize the day-to-day thoughts that are negatively impacting on your success. Your success depends on the quality of the thoughts, the beliefs you choose and your ability to eliminate those thoughts or beliefs that oppose your desires. Affirmations are a conscious decision to implant quality thoughts and to repeat those thoughts to such a degree that they become a belief. Except from Copyright Sonya Green