How To Make Your Wishes Come True: A Shaman's View

Everything begins with a thought. We are a thought form of Creator. Everything on this planet, trees, flowers, animals, stones are manifested thought forms of Creator and Creator only has good thought forms so all these things are good. Man was created with free will. Man can create both positive and negative thought forms. He has both positive and negative thoughts. A thought form is created by a thought and powered by emotion. Creator powers his thought forms with love. If Creator were to stop loving, his positive thought forms would cease to exist. We are powered by the love of Creator. Everything beautiful on this planet is sustained by the love of Creator. When we create a thought form we power it with our emotions too. It is either a positive thought or a negative thought powered with love or perhaps fear, anger, greed, envy, jealousy or another negative emotion. These thought forms need continued emotion to power them. A negative thought form, like an intent to harm someone, needs a continued supply of negative emotion to keep it alive. A positive thought form, like a blessing, needs a continued supply of love to keep it alive. When the emotional power is no longer supplied the thought form can wither and die unless it finds other appropriate emotion from other sources to keep it alive. Where can it find other sources of emotion? From other people. These thought forms are floating all around us at all times. They bump into our energy fields all day long. If we are feeling angry, upset, depressed or fearful the negative thought forms are attracted to us and feed off our negative emotions. The thought form itself can influence us indirectly and that thought can bring its own discord, unhappiness, anger, obstacle into our lives and thus power up on even more negative emotional energy. Like attracts like. If we are positive and loving we attract positive thought forms which then are powered by our own feelings of positive emotions and they can even influence our lives with that positive thought. Some teachers have taught that to be wealthy you should be happy about others being wealthy. You should consider yourself wealthy and have all the positive emotions that wealthy people have expressing their good fortune. You are not only attracting that positive thought form of wealth to you but you are also combining yourself mentally to that thought form along with those who are already wealthy thus giving the thought form even more power to manifest in your reality. A group of people with a common thought form gives more energy to that thought form and help in its manifestation in a bigger and quicker way. The common positive energy they supply to that positive thought form allows it to grow more powerful and manifest more completely than one person might be able to achieve alone. Belief also comes into play here. When you believe in a thought you give it power. When a group of people believe in a thought they give it a lot of power. It doesn