Amazon Tribe Talk via Heart Sounds

"Talking" like Dolphins and Whales In what might be compared to the telepathic, holographic language dolphins and whales use, a tribe of aborigines has been discovered in South America who communicate in a similar way. These indigenous peoples "talk" to each other using heart sounds that transmit exact images and experiences directly to the other person. Rather than using symbols, such as words, to represent a certain image or experience, the speaker communicates by triggering within the listener the same visual and emotional experience that the speaker is having. Connecting by Direct Transmission Renowned spiritual workshop leader, Drunvalo Melchizedek has been exploring the unique wordless communication practiced by this tribe living deep in the Amazon jungle. The Mamas, the religious leaders of the Kogi, "talk" telepathically to each other, speaking from the heart in images. Drunvalo describes his experience with the Kogi, "They make little sounds, but these sounds are not logically arranged into any pattern such as an alphabet. These sounds come from the heart, not the mind, and create images inside your head, and you can 'see' what the other person is communicating." Sound Delivers the Experience Drunvalo details how he was taught to communicate using image- producing heart sounds. The instruction came from a Kogi woman who projected her consciousness into a participant at one of Drunvalo's workshops. Communicating through this third party