Make More Money By Not Working!

Are you ready to stop working? I've got a secret to confess. I haven't worked for years now. Why you ask? Because that which I do now is so enjoyable I don't even think of it as work. You see I think that life is too precious and too short to spend it working at jobs we dislike when there is a simple and easy way to spend our lives doing what we enjoy and getting well paid for it. A lot of people are drawn in by the idea that they can join some system and without doing any work make a lot of money. The truth is that the world is a huge marketplace of exchange and you have to do or give something if you want someone else to give you money. Here is a simple 2 part plan for stopping work and getting well paid to do what you love. (The secret is to make 2 lists.) First, take some time to stop and write down EVERYTHING YOU REALLY ENJOY, even if it sounds silly like eating pizza or going to the movies, don't think about the money, think about what brings you joy. You see whatever you do in exchange for money (and most of us have to do something) you will have to put forth effort, whether it be at work you hate or something you enjoy. Wouldn't you rather spend your time doing something you loved? The second part is where a lot of people make their next big mistake, they don't match their list up to something people want. Make a list of what people want. Search the topic lists and chat rooms on the internet, look at the book best seller lists. Write down all the subjects that people are hungry for help with, particularly things you are interested in. This can be done in 2 ways, for example you might find that you love barbeques. You might be surprised to know that there is a huge interest in barbeques and barbeque sauces (just writing about this makes me hungry) and that you could build a very comfortable living becoming an expert on the barbeque circuit (yes there really is such a thing). Maybe you like movies? There is a Florida life coach who has built a very successful practice around watching movies with his clients and teaching through the lessons in the movie's story. This is not make-believe. A lot of people make the mistake of starting with what makes money as a way of deciding what to do with their life and then find that the money is not there because they aren't that interested in (or good at) what they do. You see hard work will only get you so far and it is only hard work if you don't enjoy what you are doing. By doing stuff you enjoy you naturally become good at it and the world pays well those who are good at what they do. Life is really too short to waste on a job you don't like. By matching up what you love doing with what people are hungry for, the more fun you have the more money you make. All the best, Stephen P.S. Need More Money? I went from cleaning kitchens to living by the beach, working when I want as a direct result of using this amazing program! The revolutionary Halo Super Learning Program has been combined with the original 'lost version' laws of wealth master guidebook to hotwire the original hidden secrets of wealth creation into your subconscious making it impossible to not attract wealth. Pre Release Press Release Limited Time Early Bird 92% Pre-Release Discount Offer