My weapon - my intuition!

You heard about it everywhere: the prince in the fairy tales mentions it, the characters in your favorite book, the Greek legends bring it up etc. All these situations make you wonder whether intuition is something writers have invented. Could it exist beyond the borders of human imagination? Or, in other words, does intuition exist in real life? Strangely or not, intuition is a characteristic associated mainly with women. That happens probably because women are considered to be more sensitive and open minded. Modern studies, regarding the typology of the personalities, reveal that about a quarter of all women know how and frequently use this mental capacity called intuition. If you still have doubts whether intuition truly exists in real life, think about your own experience. Remember how, all of a sudden a great idea occurred to you in the most unexpected moment, or you discovered, spontaneously, the answer to a question that had been bothered you for quite a while. It also happened to you to run into somebody you know and to guess exactly what the person was about to say; or, also remember that sometimes you think about someone and after a few minutes, that person rings you up. All these examples, which do not seem to follow any logical path, can be explained by using the term intuition. However, we cannot always fallow what our visions or intuitions tell us, because we can