Taking Action NOW: 9 Key Strategies...Part I

Taking Action NOW: 9 Key Strategies...Part I Awareness, understanding what impacts you! Awareness makes it possible for you to begin to understand what is happening in your life, what is missing in your life, or even what you did or didn't do to be happier than you are now. Without awareness your understanding can be incomplete. Therefore, the choices you make, may be influenced, by a flawed or limited understanding. Your level of awareness will directly impact your ability to be successful. It will even impact your ability to be happy. With that in mind, how often do you find yourself asking; "how did this happen?" "what am I missing?" "what am I doing wrong?" "why am I not as successful as I feel I should be?" "why do I feel lousy instead of happy?" Even if your questions are different, without awareness you will keep asking yourself those same questions over and over again. So, what is it you ask yourself most often? Why am I asking this question? Because, until you are fully aware, your chances for having what you want are no better than flipping a coin. Heads you win, tails you lose. With awareness what you want becomes a real possibility. This is important, because, awareness leads to understanding and when you can understand the things that influence your actions, it becomes possible for you to make the choices that will lead you to what you want; like success, happiness, or even that perfect relationship. For example: How often do you find yourself, like a car, stuck in the mud, spinning your tires and spending the bulk of your time trying to break free? How often do you break free from the mud, only to get stuck once again? Awareness is important for you to understand the who, what, and where of getting stuck in the mud. As you develop your awareness of the mud and how you get stuck, your ability to avoid the mud will improve. Another example might be "waiting until the last minute." Regardless of what you try you might find yourself in a hurry with to little time and scrambling for the perfect idea. It is not enough to recognize that you have such a challenge. Most of us are very much aware of our challenges. What we may not be so aware of is the pattern and the early warning signs of the pattern. If all we ever see is the end result of the challenge, that is, the moment when there is not enough time, and we find ourselves running around like a mad person, then we have no real understanding or awareness of what is going on. Therefore, we have no real opportunity to change. Becoming aware of the things you might do leading up to the challenge is where awareness starts to create understanding and understanding starts to give way to the opportunity to change the pattern. Changing the pattern will change the results. Ultimately you will find yourself spending less and less time in the struggle of the mud and more and more time on the road to your success and happiness. How aware are you of the people, place and things in your life? Find out more by going to the link below. As your awareness grows, so will your ability to understand what keeps you moving in the direction you want to go. Making it easier for you to stay focused on your purpose. Your purpose is what will determine your direction. Does having a choice really matter if you don't have a purpose? Join me next week as I discuss "Purpose," one of the 9 key strategies for Taking Action NOW. Copyright