Who are YOU ?!?

A lot of people never find their niche, or place in life because they don't even know what their name means, and how it applies (sometimes now a 'figure of speech') to 21st Century life. God gives us all our names, and they indicate where our potential lies to fully express ourselves, to become something we love to do, or even survive sometimes! The first name on the birth certificate is the main, operative definition.....the middle name only is in support of the first name. ----->Go to the library reference desk and ask the librarian for their books on the definitions of first names; sit down for a few hours, and do a name study for your life's sake! Then you can pick out those little opportunities that come along in life, tailor-made just for you, instead of being in a daze at all the stuff coming at you and stumbling to make the right decision, sometimes [or all the time] missing out! Best regards for a complete life, Jim Sorrell http://excoboard.com/exco/index.php?boardid=1979 or http://www.greality.com/CaptainChurch