How Do I Stop Procrastinating?

Often times we procrastinate because it just seems like so much WORK to get what we want! We just don't feel like the rewards justify everything that needs to be done to obtain those goals. Other times we procrastinate because we feel like we can't have what we really want so we settle for something less than we truly deserve. Life should be and CAN be fun! Take a moment, close your eyes and think about what it is that you truly want. Then ask yourself WHY you want it. Then ask yourself again, what is it that you REALLY, REALLY want? Repeat this process until you've found what it is that you really want out of life. You'll know you've found it when you have some physical reaction in your body (i.e. - excitement, butterflies, changes in breathing). When you find what it is that you really want, nothing will be able to keep you from it. Nothing will stand in your way from getting it. Here's another exercise to figure out what you really want. Imagine yourself in your new job. What company are you working for? Who is around you? What are you doing? What can you hear? see? feel? Vividly picture what it is that you truly want out of life. Imagine yourself with more money. What does your house look like? Walk in the door! What do you see? hear? feel? Now, go get what you really want!