How do you honor yourself each day?

How do I honor myself each day. The first rule is if it does not honor you it does not honor anyone. We need to know ourselves to honor ourselves. To know oneself one has to spend some time with just you. Time to talk to yourself, listen to your own preferences, meditate, visualize. Following ones intuition is the next step and perhaps you will not always follow it at first. You might need to experiment with following your gut feeling. But after you do that for a while you will soon see which choices you are making out of fear and which choices are made in joy. Now it is possible to make a decision as we are getting aquainted with ourselves that creates painful consquences but you cannot make a wrong decision as we learn from each decision that we make. Every decision creates Every decision that you make creates ramifications. You will either learn from the painful ones or continue to experience the same decision and the same pain until you see the connection between the decision you are making and the pain. That is how the Earth School works. The Universe does not judge your choices. It supports you in your spiritual growth and in the development of your responsibility as a creator. Consider the following questions the realm of honoring yourself: 1) When you make decisions in life are they made out of guilt, obligation or duty. When you make decisions based on the above all you have to give to the other person is guilt, pity, and a sense that they are a burden. This is not honoring them or yourself. 2) Are you honoring yourself by taking care what you eat, exercising, having relaxation time, taking vacations. How can you do a better job of this even in baby steps? 3) Do you love your work? If not how could you love the work you have to do now and increase your satisfaction in doing it. Do you feel like you know your lifes purpose? Do you have goals you are fullfilling a little each day? 4) Are you being honored (appreciated and respected) by your employer and the people you work with? 5) Are you honoring yourself? Are you paying attention to your own needs and wants? You are meant to live a joyful and authentic life, knowing who you are and honoring the very core of self, a life that makes you thrive by nourishing your heart, expanding your mind, and growing your soul. A life that is free from what others think, a life that empowers you to be who you really are. Go and live it.