Go On ! Give your Enemy a Hug

Go On ! Give your Enemy a hug! Give your enemy a hug! Another preposterous idea from yours truly, even the thought makes some people shudder. My husband had been having difficulty with an old mate, whenever he met him there were sneers and snide comments. A feeling of animosity generally pervaded the atmosphere between them. So, Jeremy my husband, set about imagining giving this fellow a hug. In his mind he set a scene and in it he frequently gave the old mate a hug. The next time he met this mate in the flesh, the change was amazing! Gone were the sneers and snide remarks- the problem had been healed. I have tried this myself since then and believe me, it really works! The power of unconditional love is amazing, and it is free. It just takes a small amount of your time. Have a go and see. So, to move on a step further, after you have given your worst enemy a hug, how about giving yourself a hug? Imagine yourself as a small child, allow that small child to climb up onto your knee and hug him or her. Do this at every available opportunity when you have a quiet time. Imagine playing with that child in the playground or on the beach. See what happens to the inner you. You will find that you begin to grow as a person, you move on as your capability to love and like yourself blossoms. Consequently, your ability to love others will also grow. The tough bit about what I have said is