Get Negativity Out Of Your Life!

They say that the way to have a positive attitude and a positive life is to surround yourself only with positive things and positive people. What do you do then, when the negative influence in your life comes from your friend, maybe your best friend, or even worse, your spouse? If you are to take the positive advice literally, you are going to dump them! We both know that such advice simply is not acceptable. So what DO you do? Firstly, have you considered the fact that subconsciously if not consciously, such people could be afraid? Afraid that you might be growing beyond them and leaving them behind? Afraid that your success may diminish their own achievements or their feelings of self-worth? All these fears and more are quite possible and mentioned here that you may consider a different viewpoint. In the ideal world, you convert negative thinkers to your positive way of thinking. Unfortunately we do not live in an ideal world and we would not want to force everyone to think in the same way as you and I. What you do is simply this: Take the positive step of accepting them for who they are - your friend, your spouse. We All Have The Right To Choose! We all have the right to choose. No-one can take that away from us. It is no different for those who are close to us. We may not like their attitude or way of thinking. We may even consider them to be completely wrong or out of order, but that doesn't change a thing. Okay, so let's say we do that. Where does that leave us? We still have those negative vibes coming through. We have already come to the conclusion that we can't change the person, so the only person left is ourselves. When the negative shots are fired at us, what do we find ourselves focusing on? The negative projectiles fired at us. Right? If we accept that we cannot change the person, then we are left with changing our thinking. That means how we think and what we focus on.The way we feel after receiving negative input, is no more than a reaction. Control your reaction and win. Expectations. When you have a new venture, an idea, a piece of personal excitement that you want to share, you expect a particular kind of reaction and are quite disappointed when it isn't forthcoming. Notice what happens when you reverse the approach. I.e. When you have no expectations whatsoever! Suddenly, even the tiniest positive return is a huge bonus! If you don't get any, then it ceases to matter because you weren't expecting any anyway! So, instead of focussing on the negative, focus on the good. Focus On The Good! To some extent you need to be single-minded, focussing on your goal rather than theirs at that moment in time. So, if you haven`t already done so, get your goal firmly fixed in your mind. Determine how much you really want it, and ask yourself whether or not you are prepared to pay the price. Are You Prepared To Pay The Price? Does that frighten you? Paying the price? It shouldn`t. Whatever we achieve in this life always requires a price to be paid. Sometimes it is a financial amount. Other times, it may simply be time, and so on. Every single day, you are already "paying the price" on numerous achievements, big and small. In this particular circumstance, the way in which you pay the price is to focus entirely on your objective in such a way that negative comments or influences simply have no leverage. Believe in yourself sincerely and you will not fail. As I mentioned previously, many "positive thinking" speakers direct you to surround yourself with positive people and a positive environment in order for you to remain positive in all you do. I have no doubt that if you are able to achieve the building of such an environment that it works! Picture the scene: You get out of bed in the morning and the sun is shining, the sky is blue. If you have a spouse, they greet you with a kiss. The smiling postman never brings any bills. Everyone on the way to work drives so happily and considerately. Your boss holds the door open for you as you enter the air-conditioned building and you have just the right amount of work to do to keep you positively charged. You need to do something -.snap your fingers! Wake up! It just cannot be done to this extreme. I jest here. I still believe that to keep yourself surrounded by positive people will work for you, but it is unlikely that such an environment could be sustained for very long at all. This would be the ideal world we mentioned. The fact is however, that we invariably do not live in this kind of world and somewhere along the way we associate with people who do not share our values, ideals, excitement. What then? It could be our friends, our family or worse, our spouse. Do we go away and quietly curl up in a corner somewhere and forget about any "wild idea" that we had? No. Of course not. What would be the point in getting involved with any positive idea otherwise! No, the key is to mentally consider those you associate with and determine those who are supportive, forward thinking and positive. Get An Injection Of Positivity! These will be the kind of people who will not blindly say "well done, go for it", but those who genuinely encourage you to develop, to move forward, to make something of yourself. Take a minute