Which Parrot Is Right For Me?

Which parrot is right for me? This is a question that you must ask yourself before you think of keeping these lovely birds as pets. It is as important as your decision to have a child. You need to ask - which parrot is right for me - because every parrot has its distinctive temperament and nature. No two parrots are alike.

Parrots need a lot of attention and love to become adorable pets. Once they bond with you, you will realize how precious they are as pets. Choose your parrot according to your lifestyle.

10 Commandments for choosing the right parrot for your household:

No Impulse Shopping : Try not to adopt or purchase a pet on a whim or inspiration. Make it a deliberate, thought-out action.

Shop Around : Take the time to learn all about the kind of pet you are considering buying.

Visit The Humane Society And Animal Rescue Organizations : Pay a few walk-through trips to your local humane society. Just observe the pet when it is alone with you and try to make a mental list of its positive and negative points.

Match Your Pet To Your Life Style : Do you work long hours? Do you have children? Are they mature enough not to be a threat to the pet you choose? If you travel a lot who will care for the pet while you are away?

Match Your Pet To Your Home Environment : How much free space is there? Is there a back yard? Is it fenced? How will your neighbors feel about this new pet? If you rent, what will your landlord think about this pet?

Decide Why You Want A Pet : Is this pet going to be a child substitute? Do you want to teach it tricks and interact with it? Do you want to play with it and caress it? Your personality traits are very important.

Decide If This Is The Right Time In Your Life To Get A Pet : Frankly consider if this is really the right time in your life to own a (another) pet. If you already have other pets how will they get along with the new one? How stable are your human relationships? How good is your health?

Decide How Long You Want Your Pet To Live : Small parrots live 8-14 years; larger ones 35-60 years.

Decide If You Are Able To Meet This Pet