Fibromyalgia and Environmental Triggers

Although there has been a great deal of recent interest and writing on the subject of Fibromyalgia and how to mange the painful symptoms, it is almost never suggested that avoidance of certain environmental triggers may be an important management practice. I learned slowly and painstakingly that this is indeed the case for me. My fibromyalgia was diagnosed after I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysregulation and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. Many of the symptoms of these conditions overlap, but the characteristic painful tender points and extreme diffuse pain were a signal that my condition included something distinctly different from what other MCS and CFIDS patients typically experience. Because medical practitioners did not tell me that environmental and chemical exposures could trigger or aggravate my FM pain, I did not assume that this would be the case. I only discovered this to be true because of being diagnosed with MCS and I had learned to pay very close attention to my body