Cialis - Warnings and Precautions

As with Viagra, many will be watching if Cialis has a role to play in enhancing sexual function in women. In the majority of cases they are likely to be disappointed since the female sexual response is complex: there is far more to a fulfilling, satisfying and exciting sex life than mere pharmacology, and this is also important for the majority of men.

Cialis is the latest innovation by pharmaceutical and drug manufacturers Lilly Icos. Cialis is the first tablet for erectile dysfunction (ED) that gives you up to 36 hours to plan out the moment that's right for you and your partner.

Warnings and Precautions Physicians should consider the potential cardiac risk of sexual activity in patients with pre-existing cardiovascular disease. Sexual activity carries a potential cardiac risk for patients with pre-existing heart disease.

Therefore, treatments for erectile dysfunction, including CIALIS, should not be used in men with cardiac disease for whom sexual activity is inadvisable. The following groups of patients with cardiovas cular disease were not included in clinical trials:

A very rare number of people have undergone visual defects after taking Cialis. This type of vision loss is called non-arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (NAION). NAION causes a sudden loss of eyesight because blood flow is blocked to the optic nerve.

Such problem has also been observed in people who do not take Tadalafil; therefore the authenticity is yet to be proved. Anyhow if it occurs consult your doctor as soon as possible.