A Salute to all Curvaceous and Luscious Ladies

Sensual, sexy fashions for large, luscious, beautiful women are more powerful today than ever before. Thank goodness we've moved beyond the idea that only a slim woman can be sensually or sexually attractive. As a result, plus size clothing, costumes and lingerie now offer the same excellent quality, sophistication and style that has always been available in the smaller sizes. If you haven't noticed it recently, shopping for sexy lingerie for the plus size woman can be "an exciting new revelation". Today plus size women are reclaiming their positions as healthy, vibrant, attractive women despite the "inness of thinness" of the current crop of media models. When you consider it, they definitely have history on their side. In previous years a woman with curves was considered the feminine ideal, and it's always been so obvious than in the magnificent paintings of nudes by the renaissance master artists. Resurgence of the full figure woman was reclaimed in the past as recently as the 1950s and 1960's when female sex symbols like Marilyn Monroe and Sophia Loren gave a new meaning to the term "All Woman." So if you're one of today's "All Woman" who's well endowed with lots of feminine curves, celebrate the experience of who you are! So what, if you're not pleased with every aspect of your body, who is? Today's sensual, sexy fashions for curvaceous and lovely ladies are made for your hot, sizzling voluptuous bodies. Come on and celebrate the experience of becoming "You" in a wide array of soft and lovely colors, patterns and textures available. It's easier with today's "scandalous" fashions to masquerade what you don't like and accentuate the more of you that "You" love. Mz_Midnightlady Midnight Moods Adult Mall http://www.midnightmoods.com/home