Live Longer Live Better as a Playboy

It's official: stress makes you old. While researchers have long been piecing together all the ways chronic stress undermines our health, a new study from the University of California at San Francisco (UCSF) confirmed what we suspected all along: stress really does age you. What happens, researchers learned, is that constant stress causes the telomeres--tiny caps on cells' chromosomes that govern cell regeneration--to get smaller. When a cell's telomeres get too short, the cell stops dividing and eventually dies. So gentlemen, how can you keep those telomeres from getting shorter? Men have been taught through religion and society that one woman is the way to live. The problem is monogamy is NOT natural for men. Being imprisoned for years on end with the same old bag wife can really build stress. The majority of the men of the world find themselves in this horrible predicament. Why do you think men die first? Remember once you get free don't do what Donald Trump did and get married to the first pretty playmate that smiles at you. There is always a young beauty who wants to put you back in the marriage game. I don't care how hot the lady is sooner or a later you are going to want to taste a new hot lady. That is built into the male species. I feel sorry for Donald Trump. There's a saying that goes, "Show me the most beautiful girl in the world, and I'll show you a guy who's tired of sleeping with her." Rather crass, I think, but true. Not just for men, but for women too. And it's not just that we tire of each other, we keep getting interested in the other items on the menu. Because let's face it, marriage is an unnatural state. The notion of staying intimate with one person for the rest of your life is akin to, say, being able to eat one kind of sandwich for the rest of your life. Imagine that? Tell me you wouldn't be leaning over the counter, looking at the day's special, wondering, "Wouldn't it be great if I could try that smoked turkey on rye?" A small number of men escape the drudgery of marriage and become successful playboys. The only really satisfying way to live. The problem becomes how do you become a successful playboy? You could buy a magazine like Playboy and try to follow in Hugh Hefner's footsteps. You could buy a beauty pageant like Donald Trump or you can hire the World's 1 Playboy, Elvis Preston King.