He Doesn't Like Me - What Now?

Find out what it is you are doing wrong 1. TRY TO BE A LITTLE INTROSPECTIVE Can you try and analyze the point that things went wrong. What happened at that point. Did you forget to laugh at his joke, even if it was not funny. Women are better at this than men, but if you are struggling ask a close friend whose opinion you trust to tell you what she thinks you are doing wrong. 2 ARE YOU BEING TERRITORIAL TOO EARLY Don't do the "My Guy" routine too early. Men feel trapped by women being too possessive. Try and stand back a bit more and relax, and let things progress naturally. 3. ARE YOU DOING ALL THE RUNNING. Are you going after guys when they have made it plain that they are not interested. 4. ARE YOU BEING TOO CLINGY Men like the chase, but they don't want someone to be emotionally dependant on them. Try saying you have other plans for that night when someone asks you out. 5. BE HONEST ABOUT WHAT YOU WANT STRAIGHT OFF Don't take up a hobby and then complain you don't like it later, after you have done it loads of times. Be honest first, tell him clearly how you feel. This puts the ball squarely in his court - then wait for his reaction. 6. DO YOU LISTEN TO RUMORS ABOUT YOUR BOYFRIEND Trust is important, but if you feel that it is not there, then gather some hard evidence before confronting him. Chances are he will deny it anyway, so get your facts straight before you go all guns blazing .