Your Weird Penis Explained

Your Weird Penis Explained.  Here are some things you may or may not know about your penis. Your aim is of.

Why does your urine stream sometimes take a left turn into the bathtub?  The problem is your meatus, or the tiny opening at the tip of your penis. "Urine spirals out of your urethra like a bullet out of a gun. If there's dried mucous, ejaculate, or any other irregularity in the meatus, it can make the stream split or go off-centre." This happens most often in the morning or after sex.  To avoid wetting the bathroom floor, gently part your meatus with your fingers before urinating. Or step up and aim for the tub. If this happens often, see a urologist. There may be a problem in your urethra. It keeps leaking after you've urinated.

Notice how petrol hoses always spill a few drops after the pump has been switched off?  Your hose has a similar design.  The sphincter muscle that pinches the urethra closed is about 20 centimetres from the tip of your penis, so some urine is always trapped in front of it.  A press behind your scrotum can help you avoid dotting your trousers, or you can use a technique called Urethral milking. Simply run your fingers along the underside of your penis to force out remaining liquid.  One study, reported in the British Journal of Urology, found that this little trick reduced postpee dribble by nearly 30 percent. It's scary that somebody actually had to measure this. Your penis has a twist in it.

Like a cheap plastic toy, your body is made of two halves welded together. (for proof, check the seam inside your mouth and under your scrotum) The two sides develop at slightly different rates before you're born, and that leaves one telltale sign: a slight twist in your penis. It's called penile torsion, and almost all men have it to a slight degree.  It's harmless unless your penis twists more than 90 degrees.  See a urologist in that case; it could cause erection problems down the road. A handy icebreaker: penises always twist counter-clockwise, and no one knows why. You cant urinate in public

Up to one in 10 men has a disorder called paruresis, which is a fancy name for stage fright.  When you're nervous (maybe your boss is grumbling at the next urinal), the muscles that control urination involuntarily tighten, capping your flow. Some men with severe cases of paruresis can't urinate in a public restroom unless there's no one else there.  The best solution: find a stall and lock the door. That'll give you enough privacy to relax and start things flowing (reading a paper helps). If There's no stall handy, take a deep breath and contract your pelvic muscles, then relax and exhale. Repeat until you hear a trickle. Your penis may turn pink, purple or blue

The skin on the head of your penis is thinner than the shaft skin, so it changes colour easily in response to blood flow.  If you're Caucasian, it's normal to sport a red knob when you're aroused and a purple one when you're not. However, bright red - especially if it's accompanied by itching or pain - is a symptom of infection or an allergic reaction (possibly to latex).  Black means your bloodflow has been cut off; go to a hospital. It shrinks when wet

The skinny-dipping horror occurs because penile muscles contact when they're cold.  A gentle tug can help loosen these muscles and restore some of your normal length, but do this discreetly ,or she'll think you prefer swimming alone. It gets hard for no reason

You're in a waiting room, sitting across from a chatty redhead.  Suddenly your using a magazine to hide an erection.  Unwanted erections often occur when you become sexually aroused subconsciously.  For instance. the women might be wearing the same perfume as your varsity girlfriend, and your brain picked up this long-dormant cue.  Vibration can also spur erections, which is why school bus stiffies were so common.  Your only game plan? Seek cover and wait.  Never force an erection down; that can cause penile fractures.  Sadly, the inadvertent woody fades with time: surprise erections become rare after the age of 30. It leaks during foreplay

When you're aroused, your Cowper's glands (located at the base of your penis) produce a liquid that lubricates and de-acidifies your urethra so semen can blast through unfettered - sort of like a soldier swathing a cannon before firing.  The longer you stay erect, the more of this 'pre-ejaculate' you make.  And it can contain sperm, which is one reason pulling out fails as a birth control measure.

Spontaneous night time erections

Nocturnal erections are away your body supplies fresh blood to the penis during your sleep.  In fat, each nightly erection gives you one and a half hours of blood for your penis that day.  So "slumber lumber" is really just battery recharging time.  And because your brain is completely uninhibited during sleep, you can't control the erections.  During the day, though, you brain knows better and blocks the urge when erections aren't appropriate, like when you watch the the National Geographic channel naked.