The Cultural and Social Approach to Meeting Women

Gentlemen, gentlemen, if you are playing by societies rules to have your buffet of women it is NEVER going to happen for you. It is the rebel macho guy who gets all the girls. If you try to play ball by the rules Momma taught you are never going to have success with lots of women. Keep buying her gifts and being Mr. Nice Guy and see who gets her in the sack after you drop her off. You guessed it. Elvis Preston King, the seduction king. Your cultural and social programming is working against you. The truth is most men are complete failures with women and are destined to continue living unfulfilled and desperate lives. Maybe if they are lucky they will kiss ass with enough women that one day they will find their true love who will kick their ass for ever and ever until divorce does them part. The fact is that seduction can NOT be properly taught. I have attraction that I can turn on or turn off. I hate to be so vain but my Mommy blessed me with attraction genes. You