
Infidelity is a major cause of divorce all over the world. Learning what causes infidelity to occur and if your marriage is showing warning signs is the first step in combating love affairs outside your marriage from ever happening. Many of us believe that our spouses leave us for younger, better looking, or even richer partners. But, this is not the real case.

An affair can begin when someone gives your spouse the attention that you are not giving, are more interesting than you are, and may even be listening more to their needs. All marriages will become stale if you both do not put an effort into preserving the love and lust that you have for one another. A marriage is a union between two people that desire to spend the rest of their lives together.

Do you really believe that the marriage license is enough to keep both of you faithful and in love until death do you part? Every partnership takes both partners working for the same goal in order to achieve success. You will hear from many psychologists that a healthy marriage is one in which both partners are not spending all their time together. They even go as far to say that couples that do spend all of their time together are co-dependent on one another. But, I disagree with this statement entirely.

If you enjoy each others company, activities and are best friends as well as lovers then I personally see no harm. You can be just as interested in each other and have many exciting things to talk about even when you spend many hours together. I believe that there is more trouble in marriages if both partners have no interest what so ever in activities that their partner does. If you both go to work in the morning, come back home and every evening you both go your separate ways to spend time with your friends, go to club meetings, or sport functions, and then all the weekends do the same, when are you spending time with each other?

If you are never together you will drift apart. I am not saying that every marriage is the same and it is fine to have other interests that your spouse may not have and you should also be able to enjoy them. But, there should be a happy medium where you both can feel loved, wanted, and yes needed by your spouse. The most important part of any relationship is communication. If you are not communicating your spouse is sure to find someone that can take your place and listen when they want to talk.

Learning to communicate and sharing your feelings will keep your marriage strong. If you always treat your spouse as you would like them to treat you in all matters then your marriage has a better chance than if you are always trying to get them to cater to your feelings and moods. This marriage is your marriage, and all couples are different in how they work out their problems, their finances, and the raising of their children. Just be there for one another and learn to communicate. Be interesting, spontaneous and loving and your marriage will never have to face the problems of infidelity.