How To Get In The Zone And Blast Your Marketing To A Higher

This may come as a surprise... but many marketers are so
busy, they don't have time to get to the next level.

Direct marketers are busy people. But sometimes you can be
too busy for your own good.

So busy in fact that you fail to see the opportunities to
move up a level in your career.

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When Richard Branson set up Virgin Airways, did he sit in his
office and wonder if it would ever work? Did Bill Gates sit in
his office wondering if anyone would want to buy his Windows
product? No, they both knew they would be successful and worked
unceasingly to make it happen.

When working to achieve your goals, you need that unerring
sense of confidence and lack of doubt in yourself. You must Know
it is going to happen and that you will succeed. We are not
talking about thinking you will succeed, believing you will
succeed or knowing you will achieve your goal. They are all
intellectual forms of Knowing, Knowing with a capital K; that
solid feeling in the pit of your stomach that you will make
happen and you cannot fail. Expect it to happen and know there
is no other way. It will happen. This Knowing gives you drive
and commitment to see you through to the success of your goal.