Ultimate Authority

As more and more things become acceptable in society, a greater need arises for us to understand who is really in charge. Today's tolerance movement allows everyone to come up with his or her own idea of what is right and says we must not tell them it is wrong. Today's tolerance has no absolutes and no strong opinions, except of course that you can have no strong opinions. And therein begin the fallacies of this belief system. For example, if I say homosexuality is wrong, tolerance proponents will say I am being judgmental. But now they are judging me. Thus this argument becomes infinite. Who decides what is right and wrong? It cannot be man. What happens when that man dies? The next man will make new rules of course. Likewise where today's tolerance level stops, it is a certainty the next generation will tolerate a little more. Just like total freedom creates chaos, we must have laws, values and standards grounded in something eternal and unchanging. And whether society likes it or not there is only one with which that authority rests. God's word must be the basis for our standards. It does not declare race, nationality, age, disabilities or gender as sin, but it is very clear concerning sexual immorality, abortion (murder), etc. Don't be swayed or intimidated by polished intellectuals calling you judgmental or bigoted if you disagree with such behavior. Some of their arguments sound good on the surface, like godly love in many cases, but remember Satan often disguises himself as an angel of light (2 Cor 11:14). All the intellectualism in the world can't stand up against the truth of God. Stand firm on the solid rock because they're on sinking sand, and one day they'll be in it over their heads.