Feminism - They ate of the fruit and they knew they were naked...

The article title is adapted from the story in the Bible, Genesis Chapter 3 verses 6 and 7. It is fascinating at just how close that Biblical passage is to the evil of feminism today. Just as Eve destroyed her family's future through the serpent's deception, feminism is destroying women and families throughout the Western World. Women have been deceived, lied to and misled, by the feminist movement. The feminist movement has NOTHING to do with freedom for women, it seeks to enslave them while lying to them that they can have freedom. Just like the serpent lied to Eve. One of feminism's primary goals is to destroy women's families, EVEN AGAINST THEIR WISHES and by force if necessary. Today, study after study shows that women are less fulfilled by trading in a family for work. I don't know of any working mother who wouldn't love to stay home with their children rather than leave them at day care. But they continue to eat of the forbidden fruit. As noted in this Congressional Testimony, presented to the United States House of Representatives, feminism is one tool to deceive women into helping to rip Western Civilization to pieces. READ THE REMAINING ARTICLE, WITH ALL OF ITS LINKS, ONLINE AT: http://www.nodnc.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=309 For substantial amounts of source material, please see: http://www.nodnc.com/modules.php?name=Content&pa=list_pages_categ ories&cid=2