You Will Never Get It Done!

Do you have too many things to do? Is life pulling at you in all directions? You need to eat, sleep, work, pay the bills... play, do you even have time to play? Well now you can relax because... you will never get it done!
Do you have too many things to do? Is life pulling at you in all directions? You need to eat, sleep, work, pay the bills, meet the expectations of others... play, do you even have time to play? Well now you can relax because... you will never get it done!

Nearly twenty years ago when I was running my own software business I was working 50 to 60 hours per week on a regular basis because there was just so much to do. I kept thinking when I get this list of things done I can relax. I got more and more stressed out as I watched the weeks and months roll by and the list kept getting bigger not smaller. So I worked harder and longer until one evening I snapped! Can you relate to this?

I was up working past midnight, as I often did, and I accidentally deleted an entire folder of important software I had written. I picked up the keyboard and slammed it down on the desk. Discovering that I had broken it I screamed obscenities while I pounded it with my fists. I had promised my client this software update in the morning. What was I going to do?

I had been meaning to backup this folder but I kept putting it off until I got another more important task done. Now I had a broken keyboard. I had a very sore throat, wrist and hand. And I lost more than a week of work! I threw myself to the floor in a heap and began to cry.

It's surprising how much relief and awareness can come from a good cry. It was then and there that I realized I would never get it done. There is a never-ending stream of new and important things to do coming into my life every day and I could never keep up with it. NEVER! So I gave up trying.

Just a short while ago this lesson came back to me in much deeper and profound way when Abraham, a well-respected teacher of mine, told me "You can never get it wrong because you never get it done." What Abraham was referring to is when we discover something lacking in our life, or something we desire, or something that seems broken, to look at it as one of those things that are just not done yet. And we have all of eternity to get it done!

Think about it. We are eternal beings. We live forever; not in our present body of course (thank God). But we do have one experience after another, one life after another, whether it is here on this planet, another planet, or another dimension. (You can read more about my take on God and Spirituality in the article "Many Gods. Conflicting Theories. Who is Right?" by going to But for now lets stay focused on why never getting it done is a good thing.)

So if you live forever, do you really want to get it all done today? Don't you want to save something interesting to do for tomorrow? Or would you rather have it *perfect* right now and for the rest of eternity to continue on unchanged in some state of eternal perfection with nothing left to do? That last options sounds pretty dull and boring to me. I'd rather be dead, permanently dead, dead like there is no dead.

Now that you have considered this new way of viewing your life, can you get excited that you still have important changes you want to make in it? There is no reason to judge yourself because you cannot do something. You still have time to learn how. You can now be patient and wait for something wonderful that you desire to arrive.

Most important of all you can celebrate who you are today and what you have today because it is the culmination of many of the things you wanted yesterday! You are a success! You have grown, you have achieved and you will continue to grow and achieve! Do you realize that the peace of mind this kind of thinking and logic brings to you now will actually open the doors to let more of what you want into your life? The key to success in all areas of your life is to simply find better feeling ways to think about things or better feeling things to focus your attention upon.

About the Author

Michael Skowronski is a spiritually oriented Life Coach and Counselor. He offers the free