Seven Ways Toward Efficient Use of Your Time

By shaving minutes off of several task throughout the day, you can free up a larger block of time later. Realize how valuable your time is and quantify what you are going to accomplish with a time deadline or budget.
1. Save Time In Your Daily Schedule

Use time waiting in line or waiting for appointments to catch up on material you need to read. Use the technology of today to increase your productivity. Consolidate errands so that you make only one trip. Look at activities that fill your day and determine ways they could be done more efficiently or eliminated. By shaving minutes off of several task throughout the day, you can free up a larger block of time later.

2. Underpromise Throughout The Day

As you plan your day, allow yourself to lower your expectations and how many commitments you make for yourself. This will create less pressure and increase your energy throughout the day.

3. Underschedule Yourself Daily

As you plan your time, schedule half the time you have in a day. For example, during a 40 hour work week, only schedule 30 hours per week. This gives you 10 "extra" hours to handle unplanned contingencies. This will also allow for spontaneous events and for thinking, planning and other creative activities.

4. Outsource

Outsource activities that will limit your efforts and energy so that you can leverage your time.