What Problem?

What Problem?

"So what if I have high cholesterol, I don't notice any problem. Anyway, we all have to die eventually."Sound familiar? Many of us have said things like this when we have been faced with having high cholesterol. There are two problems with these statements.

First, high cholesterol is a silent killer. You only notice a problem when it is too late. One of the first signs of heart disease is death. You will not notice the cholesterol building up in your blood stream until it blocks the blood vessel and you have a heart attack.

So not noticing any symptoms is not a realistic assessment of your risk of heart disease.

Second, we might say it is our choice to not change our lifestyle to improve our health. But are we really making a choice or avoiding a problem? Prochaska, Norcross and DiClemente, in their book, Changing for Good, suggest asking yourself the following questions to determine if you are making a choice or have a problem.

1. Am I willing to talk about the issue?

People who are really making a choice are able to discuss the issue. They are open to learning about it. People who have a problem avoid discussing the issue and don't want new information.

2. Am I aware of the consequences of not taking action?

This includes being willing to fully consider what it might be like for you to have a heart attack, and if you are lucky, be rushed to the hospital. What it might mean for you if you end up disabled and unable to do the things you currently enjoy. What it might mean to your friends and family if you are disabled or die.

People making a choice are able to look at the consequences of their decision. People who avoid looking at the consequences have a problem.

3. Am I willing to take full responsibility for my choice?

If I end up in a hospital bed because of a heart attack, am I going to be satisfied with my decision to have done nothing about my health? If I saw my family suffer because of my health problems or due to my death, would I still feel I had the done the right thing?

If you can honestly look at the consequences of your decision and take responsibility, then it is a choice. If you can't then you have a problem.

What if I have a problem?

You are lucky. Problems can be solved, and you can only begin solving a problem once you have admitted having one. If you can review these questions and admit to having a problem you have taken the most important first step towards improving your health. Congratulations.

Remember, having the right diet and getting enough exercise will not only improve your health- IT WILL IMPROVE YOU LIFE.

Until next time,
Dave Junno Psy.D.

David Junno Psy.D. is a clinical psychologist and author of: Lowering High Cholesterol, Reducing Your Risk of Heart Disease- READY OR NOT! Copyright 2002 David Junno http://www.lower-high-cholesterol-ready-or-not.com

David Junno Psy.D. is a clinical psychologist and author of: Lower High Cholesterol, Reduce Your Risk of Heart Disease- READY OR NOT! E-book program helping people learn how to make the life style changes necessary to improve their health. http://www.lower-high-cholesterol-ready-or-not.com