What's YOUR Life Purpose?

the key to genuine happiness and personal/professional fulifllment
According to Albert Einstein, the world's most famous scientist, "God does not play dice with the universe".

If indeed God does not play dice with the universe then there must be some sort of master plan of the universe.

If there is a master plan of the universe how do we humans fit into it?

Here's how you fit ...

Have you ever felt that you were special? Or supposed to do something special in life? Well, you are right! Each of us has a rightful and rewarding place in the universe. Each of us on the planet has a unique and special something we are supposed to do in life. It is often known as your "calling", your destiny, your life work. Your life purpose".

Discovering and implementing your life purpose is what gives your life real meaning. Knowing your own life purpose answers the age-old questions of 'who am I?' and 'why am I here?'. Knowing your life purpose is also the key to your genuine happiness and personal fulfillment.

Where exactly do I fit into the master plan of the universe?

Here's exactly how you fit into the Big Picture. You are supposed to discover and implement your life purpose. Discover and implement your life purpose and the universe rewards you with exactly what you always wanted. Discover and implement your life purpose and the universe rewards you with genuine happiness and personal fulfillment. This is a natural law of the universe. This is how the universe works and where and how you fit.

How do I find out what my life purpose is? This is one of the secrets of the universe. In its simplest terms your life purpose is a combination of the predominant natural talents and motivations unique to you ... your own guiding higher principles ... and who exactly you are supposed to be of service to in the real world. Throughout history, finding your own life purpose has always been a fundamental but elusive quest. Particularly so because a life purpose is unique to each individual. Today, using your computer and an online program, finding your life purpose is a lot easier and quicker. Today, you can now discover your own life purpose - easily - online - in a metter of minutes!

copyright 2003 by Andrew Lawrence. A disciple of Albert Einstein, Andrew Lawrence is the founder of the Life Purpose Society. Through the Life Purpose Society and its online life purpose program he helps individuals all over the world find their life purpose. The website url is http://lifepurpose.0catch.com

About the Author

Andrew Lawrence is a former Wall St professional, a disciple of Albert Einstein and the founder of the Life Purpose Society. http://lifepurpose.0catch.com