Avian Flu linked to genetically engineered cloned turkeys

The news these days is abuzz with talk about the avian flu. Everyone is talking about where it's going, and how it's going to turn into an epidemic, but no one is talking about where it CAME FROM! That's because the answer is too horrible for words. Years ago, it was noticed that for most of the year, turkeys were barely eaten. Only around Christmas and thanksgiving does anyone eat turkey. The rest of the year, the turkeys are just sitting around, growing old and fat and bringing in no profit. That's why for the last 10 years, every turkey you've eaten has been a clone. Rather than keeping a whole gaggle of turkeys which have to be maintained year round, they simply keep one turkey, and when demand is about to spike they make clones of the bird, genetically engineered to age at one hundred times the normal rate. How could they know that the accelerated development rate would be passed on to a flu-like retrovirus, vastly boosting its mutation rate and allowing it to quickly jump the barrier between species? Even now, the master virus continues to mutate, throwing off newer and deadlier strains as it evolves towards the perfect virus. Remember folks, everything happens for a reason. I like to call people who think otherwise coincidence theorists.