Why do we need digital hygrometers?

Hygrometers, both analog and digital are much more useful than many people think. Come and see -you will also discover how digital hygrometers (or a humidity data logger) can help your business. If humidity is an important factor in your business you should be using hygrometers to monitor and document it. Cigars It is common knowledge that cigars should be kept in a certain level of humidity. A data logger that samples humidity in addition to temperature will quickly let you know if something's wrong with your cigars' inventory. Standard or digital hygrometers will be helpful, but since they lack the memory function you will never know about temperature and humidity fluctuations which can ruin your whole inventory. You should use a humidity data logger that will be able to warn you if something went wrong. Museums Digital hygrometers are also very important for museums and art galleries, especially if they exhibit paintings and valuable art works. Again, if you're going to employ hygrometers there, it'll be a good idea to purchase a humidity data logger with remote sensors. This way you will be able to check and compare all the gathered data over a period of time. This will alert you to dangerous trends and help identify periodic fluctuations which can cause damage to the art. Problem The big problem with data loggers is that they need a linked PC in order to work. Only few of them (ThermaViewer is one of the examples) can work independently, so you usually have to have your PC working round the. Solution We recommend that you use the ThermaViewer. It not only performs the data logger function but also displays a chart of the temperature and humidity on a large display where you can see it all the time. It needs no additional equipment, maintenance or supplies.