Data loggers - perfect freezer alarms

Data loggers are devices that sample temperature and/or humidity at regular intervals and then store the obtained information. Chart recorders used paper and pencil as a storage method, but they have been replaced by data loggers, which send the information they gather directly to a computer. Data loggers were originally created as weather forecasting tools, but they were quickly adopted as perfect freezer alarms. Keeping stable temperature in a freezer is much more important than most people think. It is especially true when we store deep frozen food there. The 10-degree difference in temperature might seem small, but it is crucial for items such as deep frozen products. Only freezer alarms can tell you that something's gone wrong with your freezer. Freezer alarms are absolutely necessary in professional freezers. The standard thermometer inside the freezer shows you only the present temperature and gradually becomes inaccurate over time. You need data loggers to check if there were any temperature fluctuations when no one was looking. There is one big problem with data loggers that limits its usefulness. They aren't independent. They need a computer to see what they recorded. Fortunately there is a data logger that does not have this problem: ThermaViewer. ThermaViewer Unlike other data loggers, ThermaViewer works all by itself. It has a processor, its own memory and a big LCD screen, it doesn't need any other device to compute and show all the data it gathers. Its two sensors can be placed up to 100 feet from one another, which allows it to monitor and document temperatures, even in large freezers. All of the temperature history for the freezers is stored in the ThermaViewer's internal memory and is displayed as a chart on the LCD screen where ever employee will be aware of it. This makes every employee part of your quality control.