Top Tourist Attractions in Barcelona, Spain

Planning a trip to Barcelona? Don't forget these popular attractions. Barcelona, located in Spain is one of the most beautiful places to visit. Make sure you see all it has to offer when you are there. From museums to popular beaches, and don't forget the excellent restaurants, Barcelona promises to deliver excitement, enjoyment, and above all, a time you will never forget! Barcelona is the capital city of Catalonia and the second most heavily populated city in Spain. It is located in northeastern Spain, approximately 160 KM from the French border. The population is roughly 1,509,500. Barcelona has 53 museums and galleries, 41 theatres, 143 cinemas, 6 beaches, 62 parks and gardens, and well over 2,300 restaurants. Let's get moving as there is so much to see! Museums You Don't Want To Pass By If you are a fan of Picasso's, be sure to check out the Picasso Museum which has most of his wonderful works of art from his early days until his final days. Maybe you enjoy sculptures. Then you need to check out the Museum Frederic Mar