Protect yourself against the pickpockets

If you're travelling through some of the more dodgy destinations such as Peru or Mexico, here are some ideas to help you avoid being the victim of a pickpocket: * Don't carry anything with you that you don't really need (that includes carrying around more money than you might possibly need). * Men shouldn't carry a traditional wallet with them, the kind you put in your pocket (front or back). Women should avoid keeping valuables in a purse, which can be easily snatched off your shoulder. * Consider using an interior wallet that is either fastened around your neck, draped from a belt loop or worn with a velcro fastener around the calf or ankle. All three kinds are hidden beneath your clothing. * Make sure you have loose change available as you need it in a front pocket so that you don't draw attention to your hidden wallet by taking it out and opening it up in public. * Write down the entire contents of what is in your wallet and keep that piece of paper in another place. Make sure you record the credit card phone numbers you would need to call in the event of a theft or loss. Write down both the toll-free and non-toll-free numbers, if available, and leave a copy with someone at home whom you would be able to contact in any emergency. * Use common sense. Don't travel in narrow alleys or poorly lit streets and, whenever possible, avoid having crowds of people surrounding you. * If you simply can't travel without carrying a traditional wallet, place a rubber band around it and keep it in your front pocket. The rubber band will make it much more difficult for a thief to remove it from your pocket without your noticing. It's a good idea to carry a dummy wallet in your back pocket and put your money in your front pocket. * Be aware of the favourite tricks used by pickpockets: having something spilled on you, bumping into their victim or someone pointing out a spot on your clothing. Be wary if someone approachs you and asks for help or directions, or if someone causes a disturbance that draws everyone's attention. If your wallet or purse is still lost or stolen, try to file a police report if possible. Even if police don't nab the pickpocket or recover your valuables, the police report will serve as documentation later on for travel insurance purposes.