Traveling on a Budget : The Cheapest Vacations Possible

If you're going to travel on a budget, you should think about different ways to cut down on your expenses. This article will give you a number of tips that will let you take a vacation without maxing out the credit cards. First, if you can, you should find a place within driving distance. This will save you a ton of money on flying costs. If you can't drive, then time your vacation around the plane flights. Look for the cheapest, and fly during off periods. If you're going on the weekend, you're going to pay more. Second, find a way to save money on lodging. There are lots of ways to do this - you don't need to get a hotel, for one. Cutting out thirty bucks a night can be a lifesaver - use an air mattress or air bed instead. All you have to do is go to a campground, bring a tent, and sleep for cheap. Most states have frequent traveler stops along major highways, so take advantage of these for a place you can camp out for free. Third, enjoy things that don't cost much. You don't have to go to Disney World. Go to a national park. Go fishing. Stop at free tourist sites. There are lots of places to go that don't cost three hundred dollars to get in.