Using RSS feeds to increase sales

RSS feeds are reshaping how we access information online. In the past, when you wanted to know when your favorite information site had some new information on it, you had to go visit the website, wait for it to load, get distracted, etc. With the growing popularity of RSS feeds however, this is no longer necessary. One ingenious use of RSS feeds is to get your customers to subscribe to an RSS feed on the latest products you offer. The latest sales for the month, news related to the products and services you offer and more. Using an RSS feed, a customer can know exactly when you post new information online without wasting time or having to wade through information that they aren't interested in. Keeping yourself in front of your customer will result in more sales. An RSS feed for your coupons for instance offers their visitors the ability to subscribe to RSS Feeds for coupon deals being offered by the favorite brand name stores. Whenever a new sale or rebate is posted, the customer is notified via their RSS news aggregator, their browser or their online reader. Getting the sale into the hands of the customer right away increases the chance that a sale is made. RSS feeds bypass nasty spam filters Every day it seems that email spam is growing. It has gotten so bad that the usefulness of email as a communication medium has been greatly compromised. Because of this volume of spam, as much as 85% of your email messages may not get through to your customers. Using RSS feeds, you can achieve 100% delivery effectively bypassing traditional spam filters. RSS gives your customers exactly what they want RSS feeds can be created on very specific topics. Like a laser beam, they can be aimed to give information on very specific niches. Narrowing the focus of a feed will generally increase the usefulness of the feed to the customer. It also increases the customers interest and trust in what the feed offers to them. All of this will result in more sales. Want to us RSS feeds to increase your sales? Give your customers the information that they want and crave and your bottom line will thank them.