7 Tips to Being a Thriving Person

A successful person is one who thrives on learning, attempting, and
reaching new goals. A thriving person goes beyond just getting by.
They have an attitude of abundance and are willing to share it. Take a
look at some of the attributes.

1. A strong sense of self and a healthy self-esteem are integral parts
of your personality. The cornerstones of your foundation are integrity,
common sense, willingness to try, and persistence. Skills and talents
are recognized and utilized.

2. Self-improvement is not just a word, it is a lifestyle. You are a
seeker of knowledge of all types. You absorb what you can from any type
of experience. All the senses are used to keep learning and growing.
You think like a reporter asking those famous questions of who, what,
when, why, where, and how. Spend some time to play like a child - just
for the pure pleasure of it. All aspects are needed for a well-balanced

3. You take responsibility and are accountable for your thoughts and
deeds. You refrain from openly blaming others, even if they were the
cause of the problem. Reliability, honesty, and trustworthiness are
what other people come to expect of you; and rarely (if ever) are they
disappointed. You take pride in who you are and what you do.

4. A thriving person seeks challenges partly for the thrill of it but
also because the need to and desire to push the boundaries and not have
limitations is important. What appears to be a risk to an outsider is,
as a rule, a well-thought out action plan. The popular expression today
is to step out-of-the-box.

5. Being creative is critical to the nature of this type of person
because a regular influx of ideas allows him or her to see beyond the
obvious or standard methods. The desire to tweak, manipulate, start
from scratch, and be mind-playful are important to keeping the right
brain happy. It