More accurate inkjet prints

Chances are, you probably have one of those inkjet printers catering to all your photo printing needs at home. If not, you would probably want to have your print job done using the same kind of printer. Like all other types of printer, there are printing tips you need to keep in mind to make the most out of inkjet printers. What are these? Tip number 1: Everything starts with a good scan. Your print will only be as good as your original scan allows. Most modern inkjet printers have the capability of producing 256 steps of density in each of its color channels when a professional ink set and matched printer profile is employed. Check not only resolution but also dynamic range of a scanner or digital camera by comparing print output. This is particularly noticeable when scanning for monochrome printing. Scan in RGB, even when scanning for mono. Always scan in RGB. Always print in RGB. Your inkjet printer driver does not process CMYK or Grayscale mode as efficiently. Adjust your print to portrait format before going to print. The fewer tasks you ask the print driver to perform, the faster your print will be. Tip number 2: Try to use mini test prints. Know that Image editing software is a very efficient way to ruin good images. One of the most common digital printing errors is to over-adjust your image because you may only notice a change in appearance on your monitor after a fairly course adjustment. Oftentimes, extremely subtle adjustments are all that is required to optimize your printed image. Remember that your printer is very sensitive to small changes, whereas your monitor may only show larger adjustments due to the more ''sluggish'' nature of the color phosphors in some monitors. A great way to accurately gauge the print output change to a small adjustment is to produce miniature test prints. Reduce the size of your print file to A6 size without re-sampling. Make a note of the original image resolution. Print a mini test print of the raw scan as test print number one. Carry out subtle changes as required, each time checking the result with another mini test print. Inspect your test prints at a few inches distance. When you are happy with your final test print, go back to your original print size by entering the original ppi resolution. Your will find that the finished print is a close match if held at arm's length, compared to your test print viewed close up. This method is very economical on ink, paper and time, allowing you to enhance an image with far greater accuracy than relying on the monitor alone. For comments and inquiries about the article visit