Basic brochure design in Two

You may already know some of the many different tips and techniques on designing your brochures. Based from what you have learned and followed, you might be thinking that you have the perfect type of brochure for your business. But do you know the characteristics that your brochures have? These characteristics are the factors that make up these cards even before you put all the styles and techniques you chose. It is best to know them before deciding on the appearance itself. What are the two characteristics of a good brochure? Brochure type number 1: This brochure is designed to attract attention. It plays on the emotions of the customer. When they see it in a display rack they must pick it up and see what it says. It has an attention getting headline. It is designed to spend all its time, on public display, exposed to as much of your target market as possible. It will contain lots of white space and short thoughts rather than long paragraphs. It contains a "call to action" that requires or asks the customer to make a phone call, come on down, clip a coupon, mail a reply card or some other action that puts you and the customer in contact. Think of this brochure as the appetizer of your business. Something to tickle the pallet but still leave them hungry. Brochure type number 2: Think of this brochure as the main course. This brochure is designed for the customer who has learned of your company and has requested more information. They might have seen your "Type One" brochure described above. Unlike Type One, Type Two can be crammed with information. Customers who request information want to know everything. They become insatiable for product knowledge. No matter what you send, it may not be enough to satisfy some customers. This style of brochure should never be used in display racks or laid out for the curious passerby. A casual customer who is unfamiliar with your business will be "turned off" by the thought of wadding through this mountain of information just to see what you do. Now that you know the functions of your brochures, maybe it is time to think about designing them again to better serve the purpose you want it to have. For those who do not have one yet, consider the two characteristics first and create the brochure that will work effectively for you. For comments and inquiries about the article visit