Are You A Victim Of FABS? Part 2

When you have a case of FABS, it may be hard to eradicate, but it is far from impossible. Fear, Anger, Blame and Shame may be different emotions, but they can all be gotten rid of in the same ways:

First and foremost, it is very important to learn to LIVE IN THE MOMENT! The past is over and done with, and can never be changed, no matter how much we wish that it could. I remember watching a TV show called Biography, where they were doing the life story of a famous TV star. He made the comment that he had spent his life always looking behind him, never at where he was or where he was going. He likened it to driving a car but only looking in the rear view mirror. If this is what you are doing, it is time to turn your head around and face the sun. This crystalline moment in time is the only reality that exists, and it is terrible to waste it looking to the past. Do whatever you have to do to release the past and its hold on you.

Second, you must learn that THE ONLY PERSON THAT YOU CAN CHANGE IS YOURSELF! You can spend your entire lifetime wishing that a person would change, wishing that they would treat you better or be loving and supportive, but it ain